大都輕鬆小品 容易讀 不傷腦筋的

有興趣的 請不要客氣



A patchwork planet (anne Tayler)
The cat who blew the whistle (lilian jackson braun)
The cat who saw the stars (lilian jackson braun)

Spring Moon (Bettebao Lord) 這是我高中很喜歡的小說"春月"的英文版 因為太喜歡 連英文版也買
Slow Waltz in Cear Bend (Robert JAmes Waller) 有得獎的喔(我真像業務員 呵)
Destination Unknown (Agtha Christie)
Contact (Carl Sagan) Judy Foster的"Contact"電影原著
The Little Friend (Donna Tartt)
Hotel Pastis (Peter Mayle) 已送出
The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency(Alexandar McCall Smith) 蠻有意思的另類偵探小說系列
Girls' Poker Night (Jill A Davis)*
Chocolat(Joanne Harris) 電影"巧克力"的原著
The reader (Berbhard Schlink)
While I was Gone (Sue Miller)
The stone diaries (Carol Shields)
Bobos in Paradise(David Brooks)已送出
Something Blue (Emily Giffin) *
Something Borrowed(Emily Giffin)*
Bridget Jones The edge of reason(Helen Fielding)* Chick novel的始祖 但我很喜歡 精裝本帶不走啦
Ya-Ya Sisterhood (Rebecca Wells) 後也拍成電影
Little Altars Everywhere(Rebecca Wells) 與上面同系列
Me and Mr Darcy(Alexandra Potter)*已送出
Dress your family in corduroy and demin (David Serdaris)
Kitchen Confidential(9Anthony Bourdain)已送出
Asleep (Banana Yoshimoto)
Frisco Pigeon Mambo( CD payne) 講舊金山的野生鸚鵡
Only the paranoid survivie (Andrew Grove) 有誰是Intel崇拜著?
Harry Potter(2-6) 不要告訴我 每個人都有全套的哈利波特
Cooking for Mr Latte(Amanda Hesser)*
The Blind Assassin(Margaret Atwood)
The Bridges of the madison county (robert James Waller) 電影原著
Like Water for Chocolate (Laura Esquirel)
Twilight (Stephenie Meyer)* 最夯的吸血鬼少女情懷原著 竟然沒人要 嗚
Under the Tuscan Sun *(Frances Mayes)
The Perfect Elizabeth (Libby Schmais)
Le Divorce(Dianne Johnson) 好像也有拍成電影
The Nanny Diaries(Emma McLaughlin)*電影原著 我還是喜歡原著啦
Nobrow (John Seabrook)
Wonder when you'll miss me (Amanda Davis)
Lost in a good book (Jasper Fforde)
國宴與家宴 (王宣一)
行者無疆 (余秋雨)
華滋華斯的冒險 (寺崎 央)
華滋華斯的花園(松山 猛)
猛趣味(松山 猛)
個人歷史 (上/下) 凱瑟琳 葛蘭姆
一個藝妓的回憶 (亞瑟 高登)
EQ( Daniel Goleman)
香水(Patrick Suskind)
海之禮(Anne Morrow Lindbergh)

*打星號=Chick novels

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